Why mediate? Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process through which disputants seek a practical solution to their dispute. The disputants are guided in their decision-making process by a neutral third party- the mediator, who assists them in finding a solution to which both assent with regard to their different concerns.
In the construction industry, potential disputants could be employers (usually the developer of the development), main contractors, sub-contractors, various tiers of sub-contractors and suppliers. Read mediation via link here.
The Singapore Construction Mediation Centre (SCMC), a subsidiary under the Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) was set up in 2019 with the aim to encourage mediation as the preferred process for resolving Construction disputes.

SCMC is accredited as a Qualified Assessment Programme (QAP) by the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI). As a QAP, SCMC is also recognised as a SIMI Registered Service Provider (SIMI RSP) and runs SIMI Registered Training Programs (SIMI RTPs).
